viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2020

How to cope with online teaching

 In the last few months, everything changed in a way we never would have imagined before, and everything we knew about teaching suddenly took a back seat, and we had to adapt and learn new things (because teachers also have to learn new things all the time). Planning to teach online can sometimes be difficult, stressful, and we may feel that we are not doing well and that students are not getting what they should during the course.

To avoid stress there is no magic formula, but there are some things that I think can help to keep the pressure on to plan everything correctly.

Tip #1: Learn new things

As I mentioned before, teachers continue to learn, and this is just a chance to learn about technological tools to use in class and teach in an interesting and fun way, so when we return to normal you can continue to use them to facilitate your classes.

Tip #2: Take your time

Try to plan your classes in advance, and look for material and tools that you can use several times in different ways to develop different themes. Look for interactive material and take an afternoon to collect material before you start planning, so you don't stress out at the time of each planning.

Tip #3: Ask for patience

Talk to your students about their topics and activities of interest. Explain that sometimes the materials used may not work as they should and that they should let you know if something you are doing is not working for them, so you can look for other options that work for both sides.

Tip #4: Use what you already know how to use

Teachers are already used to some simple technological tools, like the use of the internet, so you have to use what you already know to find new things (apps, platforms, activities, tips, etc.).

Tip #5: Don't despair

This situation looks long-lasting, but it will happen at some point (or so we hope), so do not despair and see it as an opportunity to learn and improve your teaching, your students will appreciate the change from a boring class to an interesting, different and interactive class.

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